Dear Kohut Family,
We hope this issue of the Kronikle finds you well and enjoying the season. It’s hard to believe the green grass and beautiful fall foliage have already given way to some peaceful white snow, but the changing seasons bring us closer to summer and that’s always exciting.
Dan & I are about to fly across the country to attend the wedding of a former camper-turned-counselor; I recently received an email from a former camper from Peru who wants to send her child to Kamp next summer; last summer we had a delightful new camper from California whose mother was a counselor more than a decade ago. As we take note of a number of Kohut milestones this year, these are just a few examples of the on-going meaningful Kamp connections we have been privileged to have over the years. In an increasingly anxious and fragmented world, we are told the value of human connection is paramount. Kohut bonds are strong and we are very appreciative – especially around the holidays!
Thank you again for the kind notes and feedback about Summer 2022. It was indeed an exceptionally wonderful summer! We hope you are enjoying the memories and pictures posted online and on our 2022 Daily Update page. Please read below for some more opportunities to relive the magic with our 2022 Kohut Slideshows and the 2022 yearbook, the Kaleidoscope (coming in the mail soon!).
Thanks also to all of you who have re-enrolled for 2023 and a warm welcome to all of you new enrollees. Enrollment is booming, so if you would like to join us please enroll as soon as possible to secure your spot. Look for a little fun Kohut gift in the mail as an extra reminder of the fun to come.
Wishing you a very happy holiday season and a wonderful new year,
Lisa and Dan