posted by on November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope this message finds you and your family well, celebrating the holiday in whatever way possible.  

Thanksgiving 2020 will likely be remembered as one of the most unusual in history.  Due to the worldwide pandemic, many of us will not be celebrating this special holiday in our traditional way.  Large family gatherings are strongly discouraged, some families are coping with illness and economic hardship.  These are challenging times.

Yet, there is much to be thankful for and optimistic about —  the stock market is soaring, a tumultuous election is behind us, and it seems a vaccine is on the horizon.   And Kamp Kohut Summer 2021 is coming!!

We are deeply grateful for Kamp and our Kohut family.  Thanksgiving is the perfect time to thank you for being a part of it!  We hope you share in our joy and appreciation for Kohut:  the nice people, the exciting activities, the meaningful growth and life skills learned.  Not to mention, the special friendships, the wonderful memories, the beautiful setting.  We are so very lucky and thankful!    

The Tripler Rapaport family is especially grateful this year, as we have the added blessings of new members of the family.  As I write this, our first grandchild has arrived, and another is due any day:  a clear reminder of joy and hope and better days ahead.

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

Wishing you and your family all the best.

Sending lots of love,

Lisa and Dan